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Can I eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant?

Updated May 8, 2023

If you’re pregnant and craving rice Krispie treats, you’re not alone!

These delicious treats are a favorite for many people.

“But can I eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant?”

The answer is yes…BUT there are a few things you need to know and consider before you bite into that crackly marshmallowy treat!

Can I eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant?

In this article, we will share what you need to know about eating rice Krispie treats during pregnancy and also provide some tips and recipes for making rice Krispie treats healthier during pregnancy.


Can I eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant?

Yes, you can eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant.

They should be consumed in moderation.

Because let’s be honest, they are not the healthiest of snacks.

But they are safe to eat during pregnancy as an occasional treat.

If you have gestational diabetes talk to your doctor, midwife, or nutritionist before eating rice Krispie treats.

There are a few things to consider when deciding if you can eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant.

Rice Krispie treats contain marshmallows and marshmallows like all sugary treats should be consumed in moderation during pregnancy.

Marshmallows are pretty much all sugar and there is a risk of Salmonella from eating uncooked marshmallows.

The risk is considered low, but I wanted to mention it because most people don’t know that marshmallows can be a source of foodborne illness.

Homemade rice crispy treats are a better option than the store-bought version.

Nutrition in a Kellogg’s Rice Krispie Bar:

One Rice Krispie Treat (19g) has 90 calories. It has 150 grams of sodium, 8 grams of sugar, and 17 grams of carbohydrates.

If you are going to eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant, try to make them at home.

Homemade rice Krispie treats are better for you during pregnancy because you can control what you put in them.

Many recipes do not use marshmallows but use a smaller amount of more natural sweeteners like honey.



If you want to make a healthier version of rice Krispie treats during pregnancy you can use whole grain rice cereal and honey in place of the regular rice Krispie cereal and marshmallows.

You can also add some healthy toppings like nuts or dried fruit to give them an extra boost of nutrition.

Here is a recipe for a healthy and delicious rice Krispie treat that you can enjoy while pregnant:


– ½ cup of honey

– ¼ cup of butter

– ½ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

– Pinch of salt

– ¾ cup brown rice cereal

– ⅓ cup dried cranberries (optional)



In a medium saucepan, combine honey, butter, and vanilla extract.

Heat over low heat, stirring frequently, until the mixture is smooth and combined. Add salt and rice cereal to the pan and stir until evenly coated.

Remove from heat and stir in dried cranberries

Another thing to consider is the amount of sugar in rice Krispie treats.

Too much sugar is not good for anyone, but it is especially important to limit sugar intake during pregnancy.

You can reduce the amount of sugar in your Rice Krispie treats with one of the recipes below that use less sugar.

Now that you know a little bit more about eating rice Krispie treats while pregnant, here are some tips for making them healthier:


Healthy rice Krispie treats

  • Use whole grain rice cereal instead of white rice cereal. This will add more fiber and nutrients to your treat.
  • Add fruit to your Rice Krispie treat for added sweetness and nutrients.
  • Use a healthy spread in place of butter or margarine. This will reduce the saturated fat in your treat.
  • You can cut down on the number of marshmallows or other natural sweeteners like honey that you use.

Following these tips, you can enjoy rice Krispie treats while pregnant without worrying about them being unhealthy or unsafe.

And if you’re looking for some more delicious and health-conscious recipes, check out the ones below.


More Healthy Rice Krispie Treat Recipes:

  • Fruit and Yogurt Rice Krispie Treats: These treats are made with whole grain rice cereal, yogurt, and fruit. They are a great way to get your daily dose of calcium and fiber.
  • Peanut Butter and Banana Rice Krispie Treats: These treats are made with whole grain rice cereal, peanut butter, and bananas. They are a great source of protein and fiber. Peanut butter is generally considered safe to eat while pregnant as long as you do not have a peanut allergy.
  • Oatmeal Raisin Rice Krispie Treats: These treats are made with whole grain rice cereal, oatmeal, and raisins. They are a good source of fiber and iron. You can also substitute chocolate chips or butterscotch chips in this recipe. 


can I eat rice krispie treats while pregnant


Can I eat rice Krispies while pregnant?

Rice Krispies are a popular breakfast cereal made from rice, sugar, and salt.

While they are generally considered safe to eat, there are some concerns about their ingredients.

Sugar is a common ingredient in cereals, and it can be harmful to pregnant women in large amounts.

Salt is also found in high levels in Rice Krispies, and it can cause water retention and high blood pressure in pregnant women.

For these reasons, it is best to limit your intake of Rice Krispies while pregnant.

If you do eat them, be sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and ask your doctor if you have any concerns.


Can you eat marshmallows when pregnant?

There is no clear answer as to whether or not marshmallows are safe to eat during pregnancy.

While the sugar and gelatine in marshmallows are generally considered to be safe, some pregnant women may avoid them due to the risk of food poisoning.

Marshmallows can sometimes be contaminated with bacteria, and pregnant women are more susceptible to food poisoning than the general population.

However, the risk of food poisoning from marshmallows is low, and most women who eat them do not experience any problems.

If you are concerned about the potential risks, you can cook marshmallows before eating them, as this will kill any bacteria that might be present.

Alternatively, you can look for pasteurized marshmallows, which are available at some specialty stores.


Common Food-Borne Illnesses During Pregnancy:

  • Listeria
  • Salmonella
  • E Coli
  • Mold
  • Campylobacter
  • Botulism

These pathogenic bacteria can be found in foods that are not kept at the proper temperature, stored improperly, or that are undercooked.

To reduce your risk of foodborne illness during pregnancy you want to pay close attention to how you prepare, cook and store the foods you eat.


Common symptoms of a severe foodborne illness from eating fermented foods and undercooked foods are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Fever


List of foods to not eat when pregnant:

  • Foods that are not pasteurized– certain types of cheese like soft cheeses, Brie, Blue Cheese, etc.
  • Certain types of fish– shark, swordfish, anything high in mercury
  • Raw eggs including egg nog, hollandaise sauce, homemade mayonnaise, and runny eggs.
  • Undercooked meats– lunch meats. Deli meats.
  • Hot foods that are not “hot”, avoid hot foods that have been sitting out without a warming source. Same for foods that should be eaten cold. If no ice or refrigeration source is keeping the food cold, take a pass.
  • Caffeine– soda, chocolate, and energy drinks. (Limit your caffeine to less than 200 mg a day)
  • Herbal Teas (There are so many ingredients in herbal teas so it is best to avoid them simply. Green tea is OK.)


List of Foods you should eat during pregnancy:

  • Avocado
  • Oatmeal
  • Pinto Beans
  • Black beans
  • Arugula
  • Bananas
  • Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Green Beans
  • Eggs
  • Lean Meats
  • Apples
  • Oranges


What should a pregnant woman eat daily?

A pregnant woman needs to consume various nutrients every day to support her health and the development of her baby.

Protein is essential for building new tissue and can be found in meat, poultry, fish, legumes, and eggs.

Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth and is especially important during the third trimester when the baby’s skeleton is rapidly developing.

Pregnant women should aim to get 1000 mg of calcium per day from low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Iron is also important for the formation of new blood cells, and pregnant women need about 27 mg of iron per day.



Final Thoughts

So the good news is yes, you can eat rice Krispie treats while pregnant!

Eat them in moderation and be open to trying healthier versions.

Try to combine your rice Krispie treat with another meal that is packed with protein.

That will help keep you feeling fuller and help regulate your blood sugar better.




  • Doug Penta MD OB/GYN

    Dr. Doug Penta, MD - Co-Founder of Maternity Comfort Solutions Dr. Doug Penta, is a seasoned Obstetrician and Gynecologist with over 38 years of practice, co-founded Maternity Comfort Solutions to provide evidence-based pregnancy and parenting information. A Boston University alum and former Clinical Professor at Harvard, his articles on Maternity Comfort Solutions offer expectant mothers invaluable nutritional insights.

  • Sue Winters RN

    Sue Winters, RN - Co-Founder of Maternity Comfort Solutions Sue combines 20 years of nursing with a rich background in early childhood education. Co-founder of Maternity Comfort Solutions, her articles provide creative toddler activities and practical tips on pregnancy nutrition and baby shower planning, embodying her commitment to supporting families through early parenthood.

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